For Microsoft 20-410~412 Windows Server 2012 R2 class, we download the evaluation version of Windows to try things out and do our class projects. But some of you may find that the evaluation license only valid for 90 days. So to solve this problem the simplest way is to use […]
Author: chako
Ubuntu LTS Linux connect to UBC VPN with OpenConnect
For Windows users, you can follow the UBC VPN setup guild. Basically just download and run Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client on your Windows box. It works on both my Win7 and Win10 machines. For Ubuntu LTS Linux (OSX will work): Step 1 : Install OpenConnect sudo apt-get install […]
[Script] Back up log files on Linux
script for backing up log files on Linux can setup with cron job
Create project environment for class 20-410
This script is used in class Microsoft(20-410) for setting up project environment.
Install WordPress with LAMP on Ubuntu
這幾天想說要重新架設Blog,在上面紀錄和整理自己的作品還有讀書研究時的筆記和遇到的問題。 給自己很多理由比如寫這個很無聊….哈..就一直拖延,但昨天失心瘋突然就下定決心回家一定要馬上處理這件事情。 晚上十點多回到家就開了一個新的Linode Server開始架設 🙂 之前我的Blog都偏黑色系,但現在我反而喜歡亮一點可愛一點? XD和簡單一點的樣式。 選擇Wordpress有幾個原因,除了才疏學淺沒有用過太多CMS外,最主要的原因是: Wordpress是主流的Blog和網站建置CMS之一有很多資料可以查和theme可以用,使用起來不複雜 Step 1 安裝Apache sudo apt-get install apache2 sudo a2enmod rewrite 在做個簡單的設定 sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf 然後加入這段 ” <Directory /var/www/html/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory> ” 修改index.php順位 sudo nano /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf 把index.php移到前面 <IfModule mod_dir.c> DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.cgi index.xhtml […]
[CVE-2013-4730] PCMan FTP Server 2.0.7 – Buffer Overflow
這是很久之前發現的漏洞,結果後來很多人都陸續寫了相關的exploit (= =) EDB-ID: 26495 :