WSL ( Windows Subsystem for Linux ) is a very nice and good practice environment on Windows 10 for people who would like to taste a bit of linux system and bash…etc you could turn on the feature and install the supported Linux you like. currently supported Linux as follow: […]
Delete Protected system fonts (Win 7, Win10)
After installed required fonts for our newly installed Win10 computer. I found the command prompt will show some weird chars for back slash. After done some google search and poke around, I found a solution. One of the windows fonts cause the problem usually I could just simply delete it […]
How to get remote computer’s mac address from windows tool – “psexec”
How to get remote computer’s mac address from psexec
Turn off Windows 7 Admin share
my windows 7 system by default will share C$, D$. I would like to turn it off and just share the folder i would like to share you can modify reg key to turn off default admin share Add the following reg key will disable default admin share result
Microsoft release powershell tool to query the status of Windows mitigations for CVE-2017-5715 and CVE-2017-5754
Server : Clients: omg~~ GG.. XD
Outlook Crash USP10.dll
Few days ago I got an user reporting his outlook keep crashing on start up. even with safe mode. The screenshot: \ After doing some research and help from my co-worker. It is a bug, and will have to remove some Chinese fonts like 全真楷書 so simply remove \\computer\c$\Windows\Fonts\AVKV.TTF and […]